Thursday, May 17, 2007

The fool on the hill

I made a complete fool of myself at the gym yesterday. I felt so good after the workout that I decided to take a picture of my butt to see if the improvement was visable. I was alone in the locker room, so I just turned on the camera timer (10 sec) and took an appropriate pose. Suddenly, a woman shows up from nowhere. I panic and realize that my only chance of getting out of this very awkward situation is to pretend that I am stretching. So, I do. Now, it all would have been ok if it weren't for the fact that at the same time as the woman passes by, the flash goes off... Needless to say, I have never been so ashamed before (I think)... At the same time I just felt like laughing loudly.

Well, the woman never said anything, and I did end up getting an amazingly flattering picture of my butt.

Or what do you think?


Anonymous said...

LOL. You are hilarious.

Pauspling said...

Yeah, or as we say in Swedish: "Jag bjuder på mig själv"... ;)

Anonymous said...

Precis :) Historien är verkligt så osannolik, att den platsar i en chick-flick :)

Pauspling said...

Ja, tycker du jag borde försöka sälja storyn? :)

Anonymous said...

Ja, där har vi det! Det är så du kommer bli rik! Och jag me, jag kan bli din manager! Wohoooo, jag skrattar redan på väg till banken!

Pauspling said...

Haha. Låter perfekt!