Saturday, October 20, 2007


Tom knows a lot, but there is one thing he doesn't know: I usually watch him fly. Approximately five minutes after his flight is scheduled to take off, I go to a website called FlightAware and watch the plane move slowly across the computer screen. I refresh the page every five minutes or so to make sure that the plane hasn't crashed.

Do you think he can sense my presence?


Anonymous said...

fan vad coolt! Det är bra, man ska hålla koll på var hubbyn har för sig ;)

Unknown said...

Vad sött! Jag blir lite rörd...

Unknown said...

Pau, du är knäpp. :)
På ett bra sätt!

Pauspling said...

Ja, det ar nog mer "knappt" an "sott". :)

Unknown said...

Knäppt söt! Faktiskt, man kan vara båda samtidigt :-)