Friday, November 9, 2007

Finally, a book about fruit flies like me

Linda Leopold (married to Fredrik Strage) recently released a book about Faghags. According to the Swedish newspaper DN, Linda's definition of a faghag is as follows:
Först och främst älskar hon bögar på något sätt. Den kärleken kan ta sig uttryck på olika sätt, men vanligast är att man är kompis och har en nära relation med en bög eller flera. Sen finns det också faghags som inte känner några bögar men älskar bögkultur över allt annat. De kanske sitter hemma och skriver homoerotiska noveller och kollar på bögporr.
Free translation a 'la Paulina:
"First and foremost she [the faghag] loves gay men in some way. That love can be expressed in different ways, but the most common way is to be friends with or be close to at least on gay man. Then, there are faghags who don't know any gay men but value the gay culture above everything else. These faghags may write homoerotic novels at home and watch gay porn."
I am not going to reveal which group of faghags I belong to.


Anonymous said...

damn it, i wanted to tell you about that book and make you all happy, men du hann före såklart :) You were the first one that came to my mind when I heard about it haha. Although I can very much relate to what she is saying too.

Pauspling said...

Haha. I'll wait an extra day next time. :)